Sunday, May 2, 2010


Beginner Event 5

        Gathers cpu information from a computer.
        Get-CPUInfo.ps1 gathers the cpu information via WMI on a give computer.  This can be run against a remote computer or on the local session using PSSessions.
    .PARAMETER computers
        Remote computers to create query.  Seperate with a comma (,) for multiple computers.
    .PARAMETER file
        File with a list of computers to query.
    .PARAMETER cred
        Run under specified credentials.  The user will be prompted to enter a username and password for script execution.
    .PARAMETER help
        Display help information.
        None. Piped objects are not accepted.
        Outputs to the screen or .Net 3.0 or higher GridView.
        C:\PS> .\Get-CPUInfo.ps1
        Gathers cpu information from the local computer.
        C:\PS> .\Get-CPUInfo.ps1 -computers "Code1","Code2","Code3"
        Gathers cpu information from each computer listed in -computers.
        C:\PS> .\Get-CPUInfo.ps1 -file list.txt
        Gathers cpu information from each computer contained in list.txt and displays them in the .Net 3.0 or higher GridView.
        Name:       Get-CPUInfo.ps1
        Author:     Jes Brouillette (ThePosher)
        Last Edit:  05/02/2010 19:45 CST
param (
    #Computer(s) to query
    #Seperate with a comma (,) for multiple computers

    #File with a list of computers to query

    #Run under specified credentials

    #Gather all CPU information
    #Gather more detailed information, but not full
    #Display in Grid View

#create an array list of all computers being queried.
$list = @()
if ($computers) { $list = $computers }
elseif ($file) { $list = gc $file }
else { $list += "localhost" }

#A bug within Test-Connection will return $false when testing the local computer as "." as the response comes from "localhost"
#Replacing "." with "localhost" to allow validation to correctly function
$list = $list | % { $_.Replace(".","localhost") }

#Create sessions on all computers (remote or local)
$sessions = $list | ? { Test-Connection $_ -quiet -Count 1 } | % {
    #Gather credentials and create connections if -cred was specified
    if ($cred) { New-PSSession -ComputerName $_ -Credential (Get-Credential) }
    #Otherwise, just create connections
    else { New-PSSession -ComputerName $_ }

if ($sessions) {
    $command = { gwmi win32_processor }
    if ($full) { $selection = "*" ; $exclude = "PSComputerName","RunspaceId","PSShowComputerName","_*","CreationClassName"}
    elseif ($detailed) { $selection = "SystemName","MaxClockSpeed","Description","Name","Manufacturer" }
    else { $selection = "SystemName","MaxClockSpeed" }
    #Start the execution of all tasks simultaneously
    #Note again that $sessions contains the credentials, therefore they are not explicitely required for Invoke-Command
    if ($grid) { Invoke-Command -Session $sessions -ScriptBlock $command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select $selection -ExcludeProperty $exclude | Out-GridView }
    else { Invoke-Command -Session $sessions -ScriptBlock $command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select $selection -ExcludeProperty $exclude }
    $sessions | Remove-PSSession
else { Write-Host "No sessions available.  Please check the computers names you would like to query and try again." }