My 5-Star entry to gather video memory and report back on Win7 Aero capability (on memory amount alone) in the 2010 Scripting Games
Gathers video memory from a computer.
Get-VidMem.ps1 gathers the memory amounts of all video cards present on a give computer. This can be run against a remote computer or on the local session.
.PARAMETER computers
Remote computers to create the variable in. Seperate with a comma (,) for multiple computers.
File with a list of computers to create the variable in.
.PARAMETER logpath
Alternate storage location for the log file.
.PARAMETER logfile
Alternate name for the log file. Get-VidMem_Results.csv will be used if not specified.
Append the log file if it exists.
Run under specified credentials. The user will be prompted to enter a username and password for script execution.
Run silently.
Display help information.
None. Piped objects are not accepted.
Set-EnvVar_log.csv is created within the same directory as the script.
C:\PS> .\Get-VidMem.ps1
Gathers video card information from the local computer. Output is displayed on screen and logged in Get-VidMem_Results.csv.
C:\PS> .\Get-VidMem.ps1 -computers "Code1","Code2","Code3" -quiet
Gathers video card information from each computer listed in -computers. Output is only sent to Get-VidMem_Results.csv.
C:\PS> .\Get-VidMem.ps1 -file list.txt -logpath "C:\LOGS" -logfile "Get-VideoMemory_All.csv"
Gathers video card information from each computer contained in list.txt and saves the log file as C:\LOGS\Get-VideoMemory_All.csv"
Name: Get-VidMem.ps1
Author: Jes Brouillette (ThePosher)
Last Edit: 04/30/2010 00:38 CST
param (
#Computer(s) to create the variable in. Seperate with a comma (,) for multiple computers
#File with a list of computers to create the variable in
#Path to store the log file
#Alternate name for the log file
[string]$logFile = "Get-VidMem_Results.csv",
#Append the log file
#Run under specified credentials
#Runs silently and only generates a log file
#Report function for all server not online
function Report-NotOnline {
Generate and object containing the computer name, Online status as $false, and the current date/time
.PARAMETER computername
String value of the computer to report
Accepts one string value
#Although the only properties being reported back are Computer Online and Date, Select after the pipe will create the remaining properties as $null
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Computer = $computer
Online = $false
Date = (Get-Date -Format g)
#Validate the user specified path
if (!$logPath) { $log = $logFile }
elseif (Test-Path $logPath) {
#Replace double-backslashes (\\) with triple to prevent the next peice from breaking UNC storage locations
if ($logPath -match "\\") { $logPath = $logPath.Replace("\\","\\\") }
#Place a backslash (\) between the logPath and logFile incase it was left out of the path
#Remove double-backslashes (\\) if one was input already
$log = ($logPath + "\" + $logFile).Replace("\","\\")
else { Write-Host "The logging directory specified is not valid. Please specify a valid path and try again." ; exit }
#create an array list of all computers being queried.
$list = @()
if ($computers) { $list = $computers }
elseif ($file) { $list = gc $file }
else { $list += "localhost" }
#A bug within Test-Connection will return $false when testing the local computer as "." as the response comes from "localhost"
#Replacing "." with "localhost" to allow validation to correctly function
$list = $list | % { $_.Replace(".","localhost") }
#Create sessions on all computers (remote or local)
$sessions = $list | ? { Test-Connection $_ -quiet -Count 1 } | % {
#Gather credentials and create connections if -cred was specified
if ($cred) { New-PSSession -ComputerName $_ -Credential (Get-Credential) }
#Otherwise, just create connections
else { New-PSSession -ComputerName $_ }
#Build the command script block to pass into Invoke-Command later
$command = {
#Convert $bytes to MB if it is less then 1GB and convert to GB if it greater than or equal to 1GB
function ConvertFrom-Bytes {
Converts from Bytes to MB or GB with two decimal places
Int32 value to convert
Accepts one Int32
param ([Int32]$bytes)
switch ($bytes) {
{ $bytes -lt 1gb } { ([Math]::Round($bytes/1mb,2)).ToString() + "MB" }
Default { ([Math]::Round($bytes/1gb,2)).ToString() + "GB" }
#Return $true if $bytes is less than 128MB
function Check-UpgradeNeed {
Returns $true if the byte size is less than 128MB and $false if it is greater than or equal to 128MB
Int32 value to check
Accepts one Int32
param ([Int32]$bytes)
switch ($bytes) {
{ $bytes -lt 128mb } { $true }
Default { $false }
#Query the Win32_VideoController WMI class for all video cards
#This will help determin upgrade requirements on all video cards, not just the primary
gwmi Win32_VideoController |
#Only return the desired properties to keep the execution as light-weight as possible
Select VideoProcessor,SystemName,DeviceID,AdapterRAM | % {
#Although we have many of our existing properties the Property Names are a bit ambiguous and we need to add more properties
#Instead of using Add-Property for the extras we can accomplish the Property Name rename and add additional properties through a single object
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Computer = $_.SystemName
VideoCard = $_.VideoProcessor
Device = $_.DeviceID
#Calculating memory size as MB or GB
VideoMemory = ConvertFrom-Bytes $_.AdapterRAM
#Determine upgrade needs
NeedsUpgraded = Check-UpgradeNeed $_.AdapterRAM
Online = $true
Date = (Get-Date -Format g)
#Create the $data object and collect all information into this object
$data = @( & {
#Report if no sessions were able to be generated
if (!$sessions) {
$list | % { Report-NotOnline } | Select Computer,VideoCard,Device,VideoMemory,NeedsUpgraded,Online,Date
else {
#Start the execution of all tasks simultaneously
#Note again that $sessions contains the credentials, therefore they are not explicitely required for Invoke-Command
Invoke-Command -Session $sessions -ScriptBlock $command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select Computer,VideoCard,Device,VideoMemory,NeedsUpgraded,Online,Date
#This will output any non-active computer by compairing the full list of computers with those that a upon which a sessions was able to opened
#By keeping this and Invoke-Command with the same $data object, they are able to be gathered verry efficiently
$list | ? {
#Build an array list of all computer names withn a session and compair its contents with the item being passed through the pipe
@($sessions | % { $_.ComputerName } ) -notcontains $_
} | % { Report-NotOnline } | Select Computer,VideoCard,Device,VideoMemory,NeedsUpgraded,Online,Date
#Remove all open PSSessions
$sessions | Remove-PSSession
#Note the trailing Close Parentheses as the $data object is being completed
} )
#Write data gathered to the console if -quiet was not specified
if (!$quiet) { $data | FT }
#Add existing log information into the new $data object if -append was selected
if ((Test-Path $log) -and $append) {
Import-Csv $log | % { $data += $_ }
#Write data to $log in the running directory
$data | Export-Csv $log -NoTypeInformation -Force
Sunday, May 2, 2010
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